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Friday, December 30, 2022

Lean Roundup #163 – December 2022

A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of December 2022.  You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here. 


10 Top Books on Culture, Organizational Change, and Strategy – Katie Anderson shares her top 10 list of books on how to build an intentional lean culture, lead transformational organizational change, and develop (and deploy) strategy.


Annual Performance Evaluations are a Poor Management Practice – John Hunter says the contributions any individual brings to an organization is largely dependent on the system in place therefore impacting performance evaluations.


Viva Iceland – Pascal Dennis shares reflections on Lean thinking in Iceland highlighting some important lessons for all of us.


Effective Visualizations – Michael Baudin talks about how to make effective factory visualizations and why it’s important.


Central Principles of the Continuous Improvement Model – Maggie Millard shares 3 principles that guide the continuous improvement model.


Lean Banking: Transformation in Financial Services – Jeff Roussel discusses how the lean methodology has been applied in the financial services sector.


What is the best way to become more effective at work? – Greg Jacobson recommends making standard work part of your process to become more efficient at work.


The collaboration equation – Jim Benson discusses the importance of building collaboration in your teams and explains why this is the only way to consistently deliver value.


Lean Thinking is personal development - Michael Ballé explains how lean provided everyone, everywhere with a framework to work their intuition muscle and develop insights.


Ask Art: What is the Best Lean Leadership Development Program? – Art Byrne breaks down leadership development challenge into four broad areas.


Putting Customers First - Michael Ballé and Nicolas Chartier,the cofounders of a successful startup share how lean thinking and practices helped ensure they kept their focus on the customer from startup to scaleup.


Process Behavior Charts: The Christmas Tale / Le Conte de Noël [eBook] – Mark Graban shares an eBook about Process Behavior Charts and Christmas written by Charles Desneuf.


Quick Way To Time A Process – John Knotts shares a simple, quick, and easy method of process timing, you can gain a very good estimate of how long a process should take on average.


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