goes down, profitability goes down, and the constant day-to-day battling
demotivates staff. Meanwhile, managers have no time to work on the things that
would really benefit the organization.
Fire fighting
is popular because it is exciting. Furthermore, it is a win-win situation for
the fire fighter. If the fix works out, the fire fighter is a hero. If it
doesn’t, the fire fighter can’t be blamed, because the situation was virtually
hopeless to begin with. Notice that it is to the fire fighter’s advantage to
actually let the problem become worse, because then there will be less blame if
they fail or more praise if they succeed.
When constant
firefighting is the norm, it’s easy to fall into the trap of seeing the fire
extinguisher as the hero. But it’s important to remember that fire
extinguishers do not prevent fires from occurring. The fires will only stop
once learning and root cause problem solving are valued over the firefighting
But the real
problem is the people in charge. Fighting fires instead of developing a plan to
stop fire fighting and making sure it will not happen again is the job of
management. Most of us deplore the firefighting style, yet many managers and
organizations perpetuate it by rewarding firefighters for the miraculous things
they do. In fact, it may be the absence of a vision and plan that cause your
organization to be so reactive, and spend a lot of time fire-fighting rather
than proactively meeting the needs of your customers. This is all easier said
than done, of course, but if you get things right the first time, there's
usually not much fire-fighting later.
To prevent
firefighting becoming the norm, leaders instead need to develop a culture of
problem solving and fixing issues at the source. This is a skill that can be
learnt. A good problem-solving manager will always begin by asking the Five Whys to get to the root cause of every
Once the Whys
have been identified, the next question should be “How can we stop this
happening again?” This is a crucial part that many organizations tend to miss.
The next step
is to delegate responsibility, rather than pass problems up the chain.
Supervisors and staff members need to be empowered to ask the Five Whys and solve small
issues themselves, thereby freeing up time for managers to focus on more
important tasks and preventing other fires from occurring.
This requires coaching, which takes time and energy, but if
you were to compare it to all the time and energy you spend fighting the same
recurring problems, the investment is more than worthwhile.
Visual Management
performance can be a useful tool in preventing fires from breaking out. This
often takes the form of visual management boards showing metrics such as SQCDP
(Safety, Quality, Cost, Delivery, People), which was certainly missing in the
example of Company A above.
Another way of
looking at a problem is to see it as a gap between the ‘standard’ and what’s
actually happening in reality. Once you have identified the root cause of the
gap (using the Five Whys) and how to close it, you create a new Standard Work to replace the old one.
If you don’t
have any standard work instructions or operating procedures in place to begin
with, it’s difficult to solve problems because you have nothing to compare
against – you cannot really identify what went wrong.
introducing a new standard to your organization, always use the Plan, Do,
Check, Act (PDCA) cycle to ensure changes are planned and analyzed effectively
before being adopted.
doesn’t just happen. It takes time, and
in the pressure pot of our day to day activities, there is never enough time to
improve our situation. The structure of Lean permits and requires time be set
aside for improvement. If managers do not definitively provide time for the task of improvement, then people will know that they are
not serious about making improvement a formal part of the work.
There can be no
improvement without the time and resource commitment from management to solve

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