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Friday, March 24, 2023

Lean Quote: The Power of Checklist

On Fridays I will post a Lean related Quote. Throughout our lifetimes many people touch our lives and leave us with words of wisdom. These can both be a source of new learning and also a point to pause and reflect upon lessons we have learned. Within Lean active learning is an important aspect on this journey because without learning we can not improve.

"The checklist is one of the most high powered productivity tool ever discovered.  —  Brian Tracy

You might not think that checklists have a role in the workplace. Often used for simple tasks like creating a grocery list or packing for a vacation, checklists aren’t often thought of as a tool for increasing productivity and efficiency at work. But the power of checklists has been proven time and time again across a variety of professions and industries.

The main purpose of the checklist is to help people stay disciplined in their business processes, follow standard operating procedures, and avoid simple mistakes.

Checklists are best suited to work that's repeated often and in a predictable order.

Repetitive processes within the workday that has many steps that are easy to forget. Knowing who is responsible for each task and a standard operating procedures are being followed.

Checklists help establish habits whether in business or life. Every time you tick off a task it's like giving yourself a gold star the more boxes you check off the more dopamine is produced.

The checklist should be precise, efficient, and easy to use. These key points can make sure checklists can be used as an effective tool for cultivating business standards, sharing knowledge, saving time and reducing errors.

Checklists can help you can achieve.

  • Reducing Errors - Ensure the basics aren’t missed.
  • Knowledge - Share knowledge, free up your mental resources, create and share best practices.
  • Business Standards -Encourage routine, and clear standard process management of tasks.
  • Time Saving - Save critical amounts of time by planning workflow and prevent duplicated tasks.
  • Define Roles - Who’s job it is and when the checklist be used.
  • Prioritizing - Identify what needs to be done first

Checklists can make people better at their jobs, save time and makes people understand their role in the business process or procedure ensuring the best possible outcomes.

Checklists are not set in stone and not always perfect from day one they need constant revision based on how it performing.

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