In general, a
necessity to change – the burning platform – will create higher stress levels
which affect the attitude and behavior of employees towards the upcoming
change. The more critical and urgent the need for change, the bigger the
chances for stress levels. This triggers negative and defensive reactions like
fight, flight or freeze.
Too often, we
see high stress levels result in internal fights, pointing fingers, pushing
problems to other teams and the best talents moving to other companies.
Maybe, these
negative sentiments can be transformed into a more positive and bonding
attitude within teams for a while, but not for long time.
My view,
however, is different. Even though fear is a strong motivator, it only works
for a limited time. And should never be applied on a personal level. Fear
causes stress, decreasing performance levels and motivation in the long run.
Typically, as soon as another option is available, people find ways to escape
the unpleasant situation or environment.
To sustain a
transformation journey, shifting from a burning platform to a burning ambition
is absolutely critical. Leaders’ personal ambitions are surpassed by the
lasting impact they wish to have on their organizations, their customers, their
industries, and their communities. Burning ambitions provide far greater
leverage than burning platforms to keep leaders on track. Clarity of personal
and organizational ambition allows leaders to reorient their focus in spite of
these competing pressures and allows them to accept short-term pain in the
pursuit of longer-term gain.
Moving from a
burning platform to a burning ambition is a necessary first step toward
organizational transformation. Because this shift allows leaders to become
calmer, more purposeful, and more responsive to the inevitable challenges they
are going to face. Secondly, it is not only vital for a leader to articulate
the organizational reasons for change, but they need to delve deeper and
establish very compelling personal motivations for change. Finally, the fire or
the ‘Big Why’ is a crucial part of how leaders transform.
The better
option is what leading and dynamic manufacturers do very well: they rally their
employees, their clients and their partners with a strong and compelling
purpose, which makes continuous innovations and change the natural, logical and
compelling thing to do.
In essence, if
there are compelling reasons and not too many obstacles, people will change and
drive innovation to improve. They do not need a crisis or burning platform to
change. After all, that is the only reason the world is changing so rapidly.
However, too
many organizations do a bad job in providing compelling reasons and a good job
in creating obstacles. That is the reason organizations struggle to keep up the
high pace of the changing world.

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