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Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day Lessons: Leadership Behaviors

Memorial Day is a valuable holiday to reflect on those that have served our Country. As we think about this holiday let’s also take a pause, practice a little mindfulness, and take stock of our behaviors.

Because when it really comes down to it, our behaviors are all we truly have control over.  Whether in business or in your personal life, your behaviors define who you are and what you stand for.

When it comes to your customer perceptions of your business, the sum of your team's behaviors will represent your brand.  This perception extends beyond your customer understanding into your team dynamic.  As a leader, your behaviors influence your team's performance and your wake impact their experience as employees.

Leadership Matters

Many amazing leaders were members of the military.  They were forged in a crucible that pressure tests men and women into the very best versions of themselves.  We owe much to these leaders who find value in understanding that learning comes from both success and failure, but that both also come with a cost.  There is value in those who stand next to you and leadership goes hand-in-hand with trust and teamwork.

Training Matters

In depth, unwavering training is at the core of being in the military.  The stakes are high and there is no room for error – that makes the training, drills, and repetition crucial.  There is no substitute for knowledge and the experience that comes from both training and execution.  There is a level of comfort that comes with the rhythm and cadence as performing tasks becomes second nature.  That allows for a focus on the bigger picture and impact because muscle memory kicks in when needed.

Dedication Matters

There is a high level of commitment and dedication that it takes to serve and sacrifice in uniform.  There are moments that certainly push one’s limits, and for that, fantastic tenacity is required to find success.  For those who sacrificed, they showed the ultimate dedication and refused to waiver in the face of adversity.

So this Memorial Day, as we pause to honor those who’ve laid down their lives for our nation, let’s also take a moment to acknowledge the importance of honor in our everyday lives. Let’s pay homage to those we serve and those we serve under. Let’s honor our colleagues, our families, our communities. Let’s transform our workplaces, our homes, and our societies into realms where honor is not just given but lived.

Remember, honor is not a simple act; it’s a commitment, a lifestyle, a guiding force that should direct our actions and decisions. It’s a beacon that illuminates the path toward unity and mutual respect. This Memorial Day let’s make a pledge to let the spirit of honor transcend beyond the national observance and pervade our everyday lives. Because just as we honor our heroes, we should honor each other. Not just today, but every day.

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