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Monday, July 8, 2024

Meet-up: 5 Questions from Within the Lean Community With Ron Pereira

In May 2024 A Lean Journey Blog turned 15 and as I look back on how I got started and who influenced my journey I wanted to revisit a previous series I started in 2012 called the Meet-up. One of the things I am so fond of in the Lean community is the general wiliness to share with each other. I have learned so much from my very experienced colleagues since I have been an active contributor. Every month I roundup the best Lean related posts and articles I found particularly valuable from these fellow bloggers and contributors. Each one has their own story and opinions to share.

The goal of Meet-up is provide you an opportunity to meet some influential voices in the Lean community. I will ask these authors a series of questions to learn about them, their lessons, and get their perspective on trends in industry.

In today's edition, we are going to meet-up with Ron Pereira, Co-founder and Managing Director of Gemba Academy. I met Ron online early on in my blogging journey from his online blog and early days at Gemba Academy. The value of continuous learning has been a lifelong pursuit of mine and something we've shared. Listen to Ron's words of wisdom regarding Lean and the scientific method.

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