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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Lean Roundup #183 – August 2024

A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of August 2024.  You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.  


Toyota’s Self-Criticism – Bob Emiliani explains that companies have difficulty replicating TPS because most leaders at all levels have the preconception “whatever is, is right,” which makes them resistant to both external criticism and self-criticism.


From Commands to Collaboration: Lessons in Respectful and Effective Workplace Signage – Mark Graban takes a moment to examine two different approaches to communicating showing why clear and respectful communication is crucial Lean management.


What Makes a Great Sensei? – Pascal Dennis illuminates’ elements of the sensei mindset, at least in so far as he’s observed and understood.


Understanding the Pillars of Operational Excellence - Elise Miller explores the key pillars that form the basis of an effective operational excellence strategy.


How to Shift from Resource Focus to Customer Focus - Alen Ganic discusses the dangers of prioritizing resource efficiency over customer satisfaction.


Are You Keeping The Line Wet? – John Knotts talks about the phrase “keeping the line wet” means in a manufacturing context.


We’ve Stopped Punishing People for Mistakes. Now What? – Mark Graban explains the next step now that you've stopped punishing people for mistakes is to ensure that you're not just being nice, but truly kind.


Obeya Management: 10 Practical Tips to Create a Command Center for Success - James Morgan offers ten tips for getting obeya management right based on his experience with hundreds of projects across various industries.


Lean Consultants Adrift – Bob Emiliani says Lean consultants suffer from groupthink and would be wise to reflect on a series of questions to change this.

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