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Monday, March 17, 2025

5 Business Lessons from St. Patrick

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Lost in the midst of parades, green beer, and Irish music, there is a story of a remarkable leader. That millions of people still celebrate a holiday honoring St. Patrick, 1500 years after his death, attests to his success as a leader.

The life of this fifth-century Christian missionary in Ireland highlights some important business lessons that still apply today.

Take Action

Note that St. Patrick didn’t wait to be rescued from his circumstances. He took action himself. What action do we need to take? Where might we need to step out of our comfort zone? We won’t ever reach those waters heading to where we want to be until we take that first step.


Saint Patrick worked in a team to develop his ministry. He understood the importance of collaboration and leveraging the strengths of others. After visiting an Irish tribe, a few members of the ministry team stayed behind to support and coach the new believers.


Born to wealthy parents in Britain, Patrick was kidnapped by Irish pirates and taken into slavery when he was 16 years old. While in captivity, he was forced to work as a shepherd for six years. Despite this long period of forced labor, he later returned as a missionary to Ireland. This raises the importance of balancing short- and long-term goals.


One of the most surprising aspects of St. Patrick’s life was his decision to return to Ireland as a missionary 15 years after he had escaped. Despite his being held captive there, he was able to muster up the strength to forgive his captors to the point where he willingly returned. Who might we need to forgive in our life? Remember, holding onto resentment only creates bitterness and burden within us.

Invest in People

An important part of his ministry was discipleship, which aligns with employee training and development. Saint Patrick and his team spent months with each tribe. This dedicated time allowed for the development of practices and ongoing training.

This St. Patrick’s Day, might we remember that it is more than just a tale and opportunity to dress from head to toe in green. May we be encouraged and inspired to intentionally live our lives full of purpose, no matter our circumstances. As a leader at work, in the community, in our church or even in our own home, how might the tale of St. Patrick teach us to transform our circumstances into opportunities for growth and impact?

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